Sponsorship Opportunities

ANZSOM conferences are well-recognised for their strong attendance, quality programming and professional organisation, providing sponsors and exhibitors with an excellent opportunity to showcase their brand, products and services.

Centrally located in Melbourne at the 5-star Langham Hotel and themed around the significant transitions being experienced in workplaces, this year’s meeting will be a must-attend event for occupational medicine professionals nationally and internationally.

We encourage you to be part of this industry-leading event in 2025!

Our sponsorship categories are listed below. For more information, click on the menu heading above, and explore the options that are right for you.


Prices are $AUD and include GST. 

Why sponsor or exhibit?

As the premier event for occupational medicine and nursing professionals in Australia, the ANZSOM Annual Scientific Meeting provides an excellent opportunity to promote your organisation, ensuring your brand achieves a high profile within the industry.   

  • Cost-effectively reach your target audience
  • Achieve brand awareness and demonstrate your industry commitment
  • Launch new products
  • Capitalise on face-to-face opportunities with decision-makers
  • Grow and consolidate your network and create lasting relationships
  • Keep abreast of trends that may impact your business

For details of the individual packages, follow the links above.

Who can you reach?

This event offers you the opportunity to meet with medical practitioners, nurses and allied health professionals from across Australia and New Zealand. We anticipate welcoming 200 delegates who practice in the fields of occupational medicine, occupational nursing and workplace health more generally.

Interested? What do you do now?

Please complete the online form to express your interest in sponsoring or exhibiting at the 2025 ASM. Our friendly staff will contact you to discuss your needs. You can submit a general enquiry or confirm your interest in a particular package.

What are the sponsorship conditions

Following are the conditions of sponsorship for the ANZSOM 2025 ASM. Other general information for sponsors and exhibitors can be found here.

  • Confirmation of sponsorship is made by completing the Sponsor Agreement Form. A tax invoice will be generated based on that agreement.
  • Payment is required within 30 days of the invoice issue date (special arrangements can be made).
  • Notice of cancellation must be submitted in writing prior to 19 September 2025 (50% of total sponsorship will apply as cancellation fee).
  • Cancellations received after 20 September 2025 will not be refunded.
  • The conference organising committee reserves the right to accept or reject a sponsorship arrangement at its absolute discretion. While the website displays packages, customised options are available, at the discretion of the organising committee.
  • If the exhibitor wishes to furnish or decorate the trestle table, this is the exhibitor’s responsibility to hire/supply and at the exhibitor’s own expense.

Floor Plan and allocation of designated exhibition space will be based on:

  1. Level of investment
  2. Date of receipt of sponsor agreement form and payment.
  3. Subject to ANZSOM ASM Committee approval



Please direct enquiries to: Caitlin O’Keefe, Event Manager, Iceberg Events

Phone: +61 7 3876 4988

Email:  caitlin@icebergevents.com.au



Conference Organisers

Dates: 19 - 22 October 2025

Venue: The Langham Melbourne, 1 Southgate Ave, Southbank VIC 3006