gold sponsor


As one of our Gold Sponsors, your organisation will be at the forefront of the branding and advertising associated with the Keynote Speakers at the ASM. This prime position offers valuable exposure to an audience of up to 200 delegates, as well as hundreds more through conference promotions.

Sponsorship Entitlements

Keynote Speaker Sponsorship

As a Keynote Speaker Sponsor, your company gains prominent visibility and credibility by showcasing a national or international expert. The Keynote Speakers are invited by the ASM Organising Committee based on the conference theme. You will have the opportunity to select the speaker that best aligns with your brand and organisation’s goals and vision.

  • Company supplied banner displayed at the Keynote session
  • Company logo on introductory session slides
  • Acknowledgement and company logo on website program and App
  • Speaking opportunity to thank the keynote speaker (2 min address) and present the gift
  • Sponsor acknowledgement at the start of the session
  • Social Media tile - promoting the sponsor and the Keynote speaker provided to share with your network (subject to the speaker’s consent)

Complimentary Registrations

  • Three (3) complimentary full conference registrations, where registration includes attendance at the Welcome Reception, plenary sessions and the Conference Dinner
  • Ten (10) complimentary virtual registrations and ongoing access to recorded sessions for 6-months after the event

Trade Exhibition

  • 1 x exhibitor space
  • Refer to Terms and Conditions

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship at the Conference

  • Verbal recognition of sponsorship during the opening plenary session of each conference day
  • Gold sponsor logo to appear on PowerPoint slides during all breaks
  • Conference App: Logo associated with session and the sponsor list, link and 150-word corporate message
  • Clearly identified as a Keynote Speaker Sponsor on your name badge

Conference satchel inclusion

  • Two (2) inserts (promotional flyer or corporate gift) to be placed into the conference satchel bag. Promotional flyer must be no larger than A4 size. Any corporate branded gifts must be approved by the conference organisers

Recognition on Website and all Promotional Material

  • Conference website: Logo associated with the session and on the sponsor page, link and 150-word corporate message
  • Promotional emails: Sponsor logo to appear on all promotional emails
  • Social media tile provided
  • “Sponsor Spotlight” article published in the ANZSOM newsletter, prior to the event.

Lead Management

  • Lead Management is supported in the App. Scan the delegate’s name badge to access contact details (subject to delegate’s privacy consent). Exhibitors will be able to perform actions such as asking profile questions and tracking leads
  • Attendance numbers and an electronic delegate list (name, position, organisation) to be made available 1 week prior to the conference, and final delegate list post conference subject to delegate consent



Conference Organisers

Dates: 19 - 22 October 2025

Venue: The Langham Melbourne, 1 Southgate Ave, Southbank VIC 3006