The Organising Committee of the Pest Animal and Weed Symposium to be held from 19 - 22 May 2025 at Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre, is pleased to invite expressions of interest for proposed presentations.
The Symposium theme is Strategies for pest success with a focus on planning, coordination and collaboration to achieve long term successes in pest animal and weed management. The subthemes of ‘Early invasion curve prevention and eradication’ and ‘Managing pests, protecting assets’ highlight the benefits of targeted actions at varying stages within the invasion curve timeline. Whereas the other subthemes ‘Building resilience through community empowerment’ and ‘Harnessing research and technology’ reflect the critical importance of community and science contributions to successful pest management.
This is your chance to
Submissions Close: 5 February 2025
Speakers Notified: 17 February 2025
Deadline for presenter registration: 17 March 2025
Deadline for Successful Full Papers: 4 April 2025
Symposium: 19 - 22 May 2025
Abstract submissions closed
Read through Presenter Terms and Conditions
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Complete the online submission form
Accept Abstract Terms and Conditions and submit your abstract
Abstract submission word count: 300 words maximum
A number of sub-themes have been selected that reflect the overall theme and to guide potential presentations. These include:
A unique opportunity exists for you to promote or highlight your outcomes and projects related to the above Themes, to peers from around Queensland. Podium style presentations will be 15 minutes in length, with Q&A after each grouping of speakers. Full audio-visual systems will be available. You are among friends who are all keen to support and learn from each other, so give it a go.
The Organising Committee recognises not all potential speakers wish to submit a scientific paper to describe their presentation. To that end, we are calling for proposed presentations via a choice of styles – scientific (using a traditional scientific paper) and operational/non-scientific/discussion (using an extended summary). If your desired presentation is not one of a scientific nature, we don’t expect you to try to fit it to a scientific template! Once speakers are confirmed, we will supply you with the relevant template for you to work from.
You might have heard of the elevator pitch, basically it’s up there with speed dating! You get 3-minutes to get your pest project/success story across. This is not as easy as it sounds and requires some fine tuning, great timing and really means you need to hit the ground running. A series of 3-minute timeslots will be offered throughout the proceedings for those of you who are straight to the point and up for the challenge. Speed presenters can also provide a hard copy poster in addition to their 3-minute presentation if they wish (this is optional).
If you have a story to tell and would like to do so through a poster submission we would love to see it! Hard copy posters will be allocated a dedicated space at the venue for the duration of the event.
The Organising Committee is running a competition for short 3-minute videos about your work, place or project. The videos will be judged by a select panel of judges for the best submission; there will also be a people’s choice award for the most “liked” submission. The winners will be announced at the Symposium Dinner. Videos will be published pre-Symposium or launched at the symposium depending on the number of submissions.
Podium style speaking not for you? We have got you covered. The Organising Committee is offering a unique opportunity for practical demonstration submissions. Move out of the classroom and get back on the land, where the action is. The showgrounds offer vast land space and an outdoor undercover main arena – the perfect location to showcase outdoor or practical demonstrations. The presenter/s must provide their own field/display equipment (other than sound system/AV).
Your submission will be considered by the
Are you a financial member or student?
Financial assistance is available via the Society for members and students to attend symposia. If you are a student please click here or if you are a member please click here for more information or contact the secretariat for ISQ for more information on eligibility.
**Submissions left in the draft stage will not be considered for review, ensure you fully complete your abstract submission.
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