Michael Pluimer holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (2016) from Villanova University and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (2002) from the University of Minnesota. His PhD research was on the performance of corrugated HDPE pipe manufactured with post-consumer recycled content in commuter railroad and highway applications. Dr. Pluimer developed and validated a service life model for pipes in these applications relative to both the fatigue- and creep-related slow crack growth failure mechanisms, and his work resulted in the allowance of post-consumer recycled materials in the AASHTO and ASTM materials specifications for corrugated HDPE pipes in highway and railroad applications.

Dr. Pluimer has worked in technical and management engineering positions in several industries, including power equipment design and development, bioenergy research and development, and most recently the plastics and plastic piping industries, where he has over 20 years of experience. Dr. Pluimer serves as an 
Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota - Duluth (UMD) in both their Civil Engineering and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Departments and is the Director of the Advanced Materials Center at UMD. 

In his free time, Michael enjoys spending time with his wife and two children in northern Minnesota and competing in marathons and triathlons. He has competed in 21 full Ironman distance triathlons, including the World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. 




Establishing Requirements For Recycled HDPE in HDPE Conduit

Michael Pluimer - University of Minnesota Duluth, United States of America

Christian Herrild - University of Minnesota Duluth, United States of America

Patrick Vibien - Plastic Pipe Institute, Irving, United State of America 


With enhanced interest in a circular economy and the potential use of recycled HDPE within HDPE conduit, a research project was undertaken to investigate the necessary technical requirements when using recycled HDPE.

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit is a durable product designed to protect cables buried underground or encased in concrete. Although not subject to long term internal pressure as is seen in water and gas piping, HDPE conduit is subject to coiling and installation stresses and in-service stresses generated from installed curvature, soil loading, rock impingement, etc. These stresses typically do not generate ductile failure; however, they can produce brittle failures if the HDPE material is not sufficiently resistant to this failure mode. The North American conduit industry has long standing material requirements, including a requirement for Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (ESCR) that has served the industry well and has resulted in few, if any, brittle failures in service. 

Using recycled material (post-consumer, post-industrial, post-commercial) introduces the possibility of incompatible contamination that could initiate cracking within the wall. The North American HDPE corrugated pipe industry has already proven the concept and implemented the use of recycled materials. This was done through extensive research and establishing new requirements, based on the ASTM F3181 Standard Test Method for The Un-notched, Constant Ligament Stress Crack Test (UCLS) for HDPE Materials Containing Post-Consumer Recycled HDPE (UCLS) test, that assess the final compound’s resistance to brittle cracking.

As the physical form, installation methods, and in-service requirements for conduit and corrugated drainage pipe differ significantly, a technical assessment of the requirements for HDPE conduit was undertaken. The assessment includes product packaging, storage, installation, and in-service application needs. In particular, the assessment focused on coiling, in-service temperature, and soil loading effects.

This paper provides the results of the technical assessment. Potential requirements in consideration of the applications are discussed and the results of initial testing of blends containing recycle are presented. The recycled blends included both reprocessed pelletized Post-Industrial Recycled (PIR) materials as well as reprocessed pelletized Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) materials, and they were formulated to meet the baseline requirements and cell classification of the current conduit standards in North America. Recycled content of the finished blends ranged from 30%- 70%. The recycled materials were supplied by various commercial suppliers in North America, and the minimum ASTM D3350 cell classification of the recycled material was 324220B. 


ASTM F3181, ASTM F2136, ASTM D1693


recycle, circular economy, conduit, PCR crack resistance, Slow Crack Growth, Environmental Stress Crack Resistance, HDPE, SCG, ESCR, NCLS, UCLS, ASTM F3181, ASTM D1693, ASTM F2136