Continuing professional development

The program will be designed to meet the requirements of the following Colleges for CPD purposes:

  • The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists 
  • The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
  • The Australasian College of Dermatologists
  • The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Further information about the program and CPD will be published during the marketing campaign.

ANZVS Biennial Scientific Meeting & Education Day

Approved for RANZCOG CPD 2023

Program level requirements: Health Inequities, Professionalism

Domain/s and hours:

  • Educational Activities: 13.75 (Conference / workshop / course attendance)
  • Performance Review: 1.00 (Peer review/feedback of own performance)
  • Outcome Measurement: 1.75 (Case-based discussions)
  • TOTAL hours: 16.50 hours
Day 2: 6.75 EA +0.25 OM
Day 3: 3 EA

Daily breakdown of hours (only for multi-day events such as conferences)

Day 1: 4 EA +1.5 OM + 1 PR

Biopsy Workshop

Program level requirements: Professionalism

Domain/s and hours: (N/A if blank)

  • Educational Activities: 2.25 (Conference / workshop / course attendance)
  • Performance Review: 0.50 (Peer review/feedback of own performance)
  • Outcome Measurement: 1.00 (Case-based discussions)
  • TOTAL hours: 3.75 hours

Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179, Milton QLD Australia | Phone +61 7 3876 4988

© Iceberg Events Conference & Event Management 

ANZVS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work, live and gather. We pay our respects to all of Australia's First Peoples, their ancestors and Elders and to our shared future.