faculty guidelines

Important Dates

Supply Travel Details: Friday 17 May 2024
Consent Due: Wednesday 29 May 2024
PPT Presentation Due: Wednesday 29 May 2024


All sessions for the Port Douglas Heart Meeting and Expo will be held at The Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas. 

Sessions will be held in both the Glade Pavilion and the Ballroom. Please refer to the program for which room you are presenting in.

Cardiac Society Audio and Video Recording of Presentations

PD24 on behalf of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand will be audio and video recording presentations, but only utilising those for which permission has been provided.  Below please find the two options for your Consent, and advise me by return of your preference.

Please copy the below statement and email Amy indicating your permission to be recorded.

I give permission for my presentation files and any video/audio recordings from the 2024 Port Douglas Heart Meeting & Expo to be uploaded to the CSANZ website post meeting for continuing education purposes. 
This includes PowerPoint, Audio, Video Presentation and notification to CSANZ Members and delegates to the 2024 Port Douglas Heart Meeting who are not members of the CSANZ.
[  ] Permission granted
[  ] Permission not granted

Time Keeping

Please note we advise all speakers that we keep very strictly to time for all sessions and have Oscars-style music which commences softly for 15 seconds after the allotted time and then increases strongly for the next 15 seconds making continuing impossible. We give all speakers fair warning about this, therefore a slightly shorter talk than the allotted time is recommended.

Audio Visual

Audio technicians will be located in the back of The Glade Pavilion and the back of The Ballroom. Please check in with the audio technician in the relevant room during the meal break prior to your presentation.

Basic audio visual will be provided as follows:

  • Stage with steps
  • Data projector and screen (16:9 ratio)
  • Lectern and microphone
  • Wireless clicker for advancing PowerPoint slides

PowerPoint Presentation Tips

Videos are to be embedded in your slide rather than inputted as external links.

Note: PowerPoint presentations are required in 16:9 (widescreen) format. Please feel free to contact Cristina should you require assistance with ensuring your presentation is in this format. 

Tips for Creating your PowerPoint Presentation

Body Text:

  • Use a font that is easy to read. Arial, Verdana or Calibri tend to be the easiest to read on screens
  • Font should be no smaller than 18pt
  • Align text left. Centered text is harder to read
  • Write in point form, not complete sentences
  • Include 4-5 bullet points per slide
  • Avoid wordiness and clutter: A headline, a few bullet points, maybe an image – anything more than that and you risk losing your audience


  • Heading font should be bigger than your body text


  • Put dark text on a white background. This is easiest to read. If you must use a dark background – for instance, if your company uses a standard template with a dark background – make sure your text is quite light (white, cream or light grey) and increase the font size

Images, Charts and Diagrams:

  • A chart, diagram or image can often convey much more to your audience than text
  • Don’t use low resolutions images as these can appear blurry on the screen

Slide Timing:

  • Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation