Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland

The Centre for Online Health (COH) is one of the foundation centres of the more recently established Centre for Health Services Research. It forms part of the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Queensland.

The COH is world-renowned for its telehealth expertise. The Centre’s mission of telehealth research, teaching and education, consultancy and clinical service provision makes it unique amongst peer university centres. The COH was the host centre for the Centre for Research Excellence in Telehealth funded by the National Health Medical Research Council (2013-2019). Our outstanding expertise in researcheducation and training, as well as service delivery and consultancy in telemedicine, telehealth and e-Healthcare have been nationally and internationally recognised.

The COH's multidisciplinary team of clinicians, academic researchers, educators, technicians, engineers and administrators brings together a broad mix of skills. They are research translation experts who pride themselves on a broad range of research projects that deliver solutions to real-world clinical problems. 
