Mr Javed is an academic surgeon based at the Royal Liverpool Hospital and University of Liverpool, with a keen interest in translational research, bridging the gap between academia and clinicians. Clinical interests include advanced colorectal cancer, anal cancer and High Resolution anoscopy for anal intraepithelial neoplasia.  

His research focuses on tumour microenvironment (TME) in rectal cancer. TME is composed of the microbiome, cellular components and non-cellular components. His research focuses on the role of faecal microbiome / metabolome in predicting responses to therapy in advanced rectal cancer and  the potential role of volatile organic compounds as  biomarkers of recurrence in rectal cancer.

The ultimate goal of his research is to improve understanding of the biology of rectal cancer with the aim to personalise treatments.  Mr Javed is a NIHR Research Scholar, clinical lead for management of Colorectal Cancer in the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance and a reviewer for Annals of Royal of Surgeons of England, British Journal of Surgery and guest editor for ‘Cancers’.