Prof Michael’s oncology training was attained at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and was a Clinical Fellow, Princess Margaret Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute in Toronto, Canada, pursuing his research in gastrointestinal oncology and clinical pharmacology.

Prof Michael is a Gastrointestinal (GI) Medical Oncologist at   Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre: Clinical and Trial Lead Upper Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology Service, & Co-Chair of the Neuroendocrine Tumour Unit (an ENETs Centre of Excellence).  He is also Professorial Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Current member of ASCO, ENETs, TROG, AGITG and MOGA.

He helped establish the first and now largest NET clinic in Australia, that has now been certified as the first ENETs COE outside of Europe.  He is extensively involved with clinical/translational and oncological pharmacology research programs in gastrointestinal and neuroendocrine tumours.  He has been a principal investigator in numerous phase I/II/III studies relating to the development/validation of novel regimens, individualised drug dosing through phenotyping metabolic/excretory end organ function and pharmacogenomics in gastrointestinal and neuroendocrine malignancies.