PROF. brendan moran

Brendan John Moran MB, BCH, FRCSI, FRCSI (Gen), FRCS, MCH, Doc Med (NUI).

Honorary Professor Surgery, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Honorary Professor of Surgery, Imperial College London, UK

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Cancer Sciences Division, Southampton University

Brendan Moran is a Consultant Surgeon  in the Peritoneal Malignancy Unit, Basingstoke, Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton Honorary Professor of Surgery, University of Sydney.

 President of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI ) 2018-19 and -   President of the Section of Coloproctology, The Royal Society of Medicine, 2016-17. He has delivered 10 named Lectures and over 200 other contributions and  over 400 peer reviewed publications . His special interests are in staging and treating rectal cancer and in peritoneal malignancy. He established the UK National Peritoneal Malignancy Centre in Basingstoke in 2000  introducing  treatment for peritoneal malignancy to the British Isles. He has developed the service into the largest unit in the world now operating in excess of 450 cases annually.

He is founder member, and senior executive, of the Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI), a global peritoneal malignancy society. He was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2017 for services to Irish Surgery mentoring development of an Irish National service over the past 10 years.

He has also instigated clinical research, and led national training programs in rectal cancer and has been convener and lead surgeon for the English Multidisciplinary Team - Total Mesorectal Excision (MDT-TME) program between 2003-06, The English Low Rectal Cancer (LOREC) program from 2010-13 and  the Significant Polyp Early Colorectal Cancer (SPECC) program between 2015-17. He helped design and  deliver the IMPACT (Improving Management for Patients with Advanced Colorectal Tumours) Program i2018- 2020. He developed and is currently delivering the Pelican Optimizing Rectal Cancer Outcomes (OReCO) program.   

He has edited the last two editions of Farquharson’s  Textbook of  Operative Surgery and is Senior Editor of the forthcoming edition.