speaker guidelines


Speaker Registration Due: Friday 27 October 2023
Speaker Headshot and Biography Due: Friday 27 October 2023
Virtual Posters Due: Friday 10 November 2023
PPT Presentation Due: Monday 13 November 2023


Basic audio visual will be provided as follows:

  • stage with steps
  • Data projector and screen (16:9 ratio)
  • Lectern and microphone
  • Wireless clicker for advancing PowerPoint slides
  • The ability to connect your laptop directly into the AV system at the lectern

There will be an audio-visual technician in the room to assist with loading your presentation and any last-minute technical checks. 

Please advise Cherono by Friday 27 October 2023 if you require any additional AV equipment other than what is listed above.


Please refer to the conference program here to view your allocated time within the program. 

PLEASE NOTE: program times will be strictly adhered to. Your presentation is to be strictly 5 minutes with 2 minutes for questions and answers from the audience. 

Please see the below presentation tips for information to assist you in putting your slides together. 


Please refer to the conference program here for the duration of your presentation. 

PLEASE NOTE: program times will be strictly adhered to. 

Each session (excluding the free papers session) will end with a panel. The panellists will be the speakers from the session, please be prepared to join your colleagues on stage for the panel. Please note the panel will include the allocated question and answer time for each session. 


Tips for creating your PowerPoint Presentation:

  • videos are to be embedded into your slide rather than inputted as external links
  • PowerPoint presentations are required in 16:9 (widescreen) format. Please feel free to contact Cherono here should you require assistance with ensuring your presentation is in this format. 

Body Text:

  • Use a font that is easy to read. Arial, Verdana or Calibri tend to be the easiest to read on screens
  • Font should be no smaller than 18pt
  • Align text left. Centered text is harder to read
  • Write in point form, not complete sentences
  • Include 4-5 bullet points per slide
  • Avoid wordiness and clutter: A headline, a few bullet points, maybe an image - anything more than that and you risk losing your audience


  • Heading font should be bigger than your body text


  • Put dark text on a white background. This is easiest to read. If you must use a dark background - for instance, if your company uses a standard template with a dark background - make sure your text is quote light (white, cream or light grey) and increase the font size

Images, Charts and Diagrams:

  • A chart, diagram or image can often convey much more to your audience than text
  • Don't use low resolution images as these can appear blurry on the screen

Slide Timing:

  • Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation


Your virtual poster will be displayed on the screen inside the exhibition area where all meal breaks will be held. 

It is recommended you use a PowerPoint slide for your virtual poster. Your poster is required to be 16:9 (widescreen) format. Please feel free to contact Cherono here should you require assistance with ensuring your presentation is in this format. 

Tips for creating your virtual poster:

Body Text:

  • Use a font that is easy to read. Arial, Verdana or Calibri tend to be the easiest to read on screens. 
  • Font should be no smaller than 18pt
  • Align text left. Centered font is harder to read
  • Write in point form, not complete sentences
  • Avoid wordiness and clutter


  • Heading font should be larger than your body font


  • Put dark text on a white background. This is easiest to read. If you must use a dark background - for instance, if your company uses a standard template with a dark background - make sure your text is quite light (white, cream or light grey) and increase the font size

Images, Charts and Diagrams:

  • A chart, diagram or image can often convey much more to your audience than text
  • Don't use low resolution images as they can appear blurry on the screen

If you have any questions about your presentation please contact Cherono here