Dr tom arthur

Dr Arthur is a colorectal surgeon working in regional Queensland, with appointments at St Andrew's Toowoomba Hospital,  St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba, and The Toowoomba Hospital. He completed his FRACS in 2019 and underwent fellowship training at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne and Gold Coast University Hospital. Outside of his clinical work, Dr Arthur has been active in medical advocacy, his previous roles have included National Trainee Representative for the Board in General Surgery, Councillor for the AMA Queensland Council, Chair of the AMA Queensland Council of Doctors in Training, Committee Member for the State Management Committee of ASMOFQ and General Surgery Representative to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Trainees Association. Dr Arthur was awarded the AMAQ President's Award in 2017. Dr Arthur has an interest in research having been Co-ordinating Principal Investigator and Associate Investigator on several national and international studies, with a focus on collaborative research. He is the founding chair of the Queensland Surgical Trainee (QUEST) Collaboration and is Adjunct Professor with the University of Southern Queensland.