dr sharon stein

Sharon L. Stein, MD, FACS, FASCRS, is a colorectal surgeon and Professor of Surgery at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine.  She is the Murdough Master Clinician in Colorectal Surgery for outstanding contributions to her patients and University.  She has served as the President of the Association of Women Surgeons, as Chair of the American College of Surgeons Women in Surgery Committee and on the Executive Council of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.  She has worked for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) as a surgeon in both South Sudan and Haiti.

As an academician, Dr. Stein has published over 150 articles, editorials and chapters on a variety of topics from minimally invasive surgery to diversity in surgery.   She has written extensively on minimally invasive surgery, colorectal cancer and enhanced recovery protocols as well as gender disparities in surgery including pay equity, pregnancy in surgery, and intimate partner violence.  In recognition of her contributions to scholarship, she has been invited to serve as a reviewer for several prestigious journals, to write several book chapters, and has published a book on laparoscopic colectomy.  She has been invited to deliver hundreds of CME lectures and contribute to scientific publications both nationally and internationally. She was the first women to receive an Honorary Fellowship from the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. 

Additionally, Dr. Stein has a passion for professional development.  She regularly leads professional development programs for women at Case Western Reserve University, the Lattice of Leadership Institute and recently developed a program for the first-year surgical residents at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.  She completed a certificate coaching program at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University and has trained in Intentional Change Theory, Positive Intelligence Theory and Positive Psychology.  She has served as director and founder of the Association of Women Surgeons Coaching program and has coached numerous medical professionals.  In 2022, Dr. Stein founded The Intentional Surgeon, a coaching and leadership development organization dedicated to strengthening physicians’ voices and improving the culture of medicine.

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