Dr Lee is a colorectal surgeon at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital specializing in minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He performs maximally invasive surgery, pelvic exenterations for recurrent rectal cancers and complex pelvic malignancies including sarcomas.

He is the Director of Surgery of RPAH and Chairman of JL Operating Theatres, and the Program Lead for Retroperitoneal Sarcoma at RPAH and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Cancer Centre. He is the program director for the department of Colorectal Surgery RPAH/ Institute of Academic Surgery for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotic and Laparoscopic surgery.

He has written textbook chapters for pelvic exenteration surgery and the Australian NHMRC guidelines for the management of Colorectal Cancer. He has numerous publications in international journals and numerous invitations as an international speaker. He participated in the A La CaRT RCT, Pelvicare Study and International multicenter study on lateral pelvic lymph node dissection for locally advanced low rectal cancers, the Lateral Node Study Consortium. He is a contributor to the PelvEx Collabrative Group for pelvic exenteration surgery. 

He is the Honorary Proctor for pelvic exenteration MDT for Malaysia appointed by the Ministry of Health and external expert for pelvic exenteration surgery at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Saudia Arabia.