186  DAYS TO GO! 


23AWC will engage a wide range of industries as it showcases cutting edge science and operational practices and tools through the call for papers, exhibition and conference tours. The conference seeks to build capacity in all weed management contexts: environmental, aquatic, agricultural and urban settings.

Partnering with industry is essential to ensure delegates stay ahead of emerging trends and are well equipped to protect our future from weed threats. Sponsoring or exhibiting provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry, community and government; promote your organisation and maintain a high profile among specialists in weed management.

The Council of the Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS) together with local host, Invasive Species Queensland (previously Weed Society of Queensland) (ISQ), invite your organisation to participate in the premier event for all involved in weed management.

The industry’s innovative thinkers and leaders will be at 23AWC… don’t miss this opportunity to be involved!

Who will attend?

23AWC will aim to attract over 250+ dedicated weed professionals from across Australasia from the following fields:

  • Weed researchers from both the government and private sector
  • Local, state and federal government policy makers and planners
  • Agricultural consultants and advisors
  • Landowners and managers
  • Industry representatives: agro-chemical; robotics; drones; biological control; spray application
  • Natural resource management
  • Noxious weed managers
  • Native vegetation, roadside and amenity managers
  • Biological, economic and social researchers and academics interested in weed management
  • Students studying agriculture or weed science
  • Community group members such as Landcare and grower groups
  • Research funding bodies

Why partner with 23AWC?

  • Sponsoring or exhibiting provides a unique opportunity to establish your organisation, products and staff amongst a high-profile consortium of specialists in weed management.
  • Build and maintain relationships with over 250+ weed specialists, who themselves have large local, state, national and international networks.
  • Increase your exposure to the community of people working in weed research and management.
  • Offer new knowledge and technologies to help delegates stay ahead of industry trends.
  • Align with one of the Australasian region’s most progressive weed management societies (incorporating pest animals as well) at an internationally respected research conference.
  • The Australasian Weeds Conference is now a key player in global weed management.
  • The conference has been run by independent weed societies and CAWS since 1978 with any surplus profits going back the local and national bodies to further initiatives in weed management.

Sponsor's Core Benefits

  • Logo displayed in the conference program.
  • Logo displayed on the conference website sponsors’ page with a reciprocal link.
  • Opportunity to provide one promotional insert in each delegate satchel.
  • Logo added to PowerPoint slide scroll displayed during catering breaks. Size according to investment level
  • Access to a full delegate list (full name, position and organisation only) Subject to delegate consent
  • Extra Sponsor/Exhibitor representatives’ registrations available. 10% discount off Early bird price.

Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179, Milton QLD Australia | Phone +61 7 3876 4988

© Iceberg Events Conference & Event Management