186  DAYS TO GO! 

oral Presenters

Important Dates

Presenter Registration Closes: 31 May 2024

PPT Presentations Due: 12 August 2024

Full Paper (Optional): 12 July 2024

Presenter Guidelines

  • All presenters are required to register via the Registration Form for the conference by 31 May 2024 to confirm their position in the program. Failure to register by the deadline may result in your presentation not being included in the conference program.
    • Co-presenters will be required to register by the date mentioned above if they wish to present on the day.
  • Presenters may send their 80 word biography to Cherono by 31 May 2024
  • Oral presentation must be a maximum of 20 minutes in length, including Q&A.
  • Videos in your PPT slides are to be embedded in your slide rather than inputted as external links
  • PPT Presentations are required in 16:9 (widescreen) format. Please feel free to contact Cherono should you require assistance with ensuring your presentation in this format.
  • Please submit your PPT Presentation to Cherono via email or WeTransfer for large files by Monday 12 August 2024. Presenters who choose not to send their PPT by this date are responsible for bringing your presentation to the conference.

Presenter Terms & Conditions 

  • Accepted presenters must register and pay for the conference by the date indicated by the event organisers or their presentation may be removed from the program.
  • All presenters have the option to provide a full paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings. If a full paper is not provided the abstract submission will be included in place.
  • PPT presentation slides are requested in advance, however presenters can provide them on the day at the conference.

Audio Visual

Basic audio and visual will be provided as follows:

  • Small stage with steps
  • Data projector and screen (16:9 ratio)
  • Lectern and microphone
  • Wireless clicker for advancing PowerPoint slides
  • Handheld wireless microphone

There will be an audio-visual technician in the room to assist with any last-minute technical checks.

Tips for Creating your PowerPoint

Body Text:

  • Use a font that is easy to read. Arial, Verdana, or Calibri tend to be the easiest to read on screens
  • Font should be no smaller than 18pt. Align text left. Centered text is harder to read
  • Write in point form, not complete sentences
  • Include 4-5 bullet points per slide
  • Avoid wordiness and clutter: A headline, a few bullet points, maybe an image – anything more than that and you risk losing your audience
  • Heading font should be bigger than your body text
  • Put dark text on a white background. This is easiest to read. If you must use a dark background – for instance, if your company uses a standard template with a dark background – make sure your text is quite light (white, cream, or light grey) and increase the font size
Images, Charts and Diagrams:
  • A chart, diagram or image can often convey much more to your audience than text
  • Don’t use low resolutions images as these can appear blurry on the screen
Slide Timing:
  • Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation

Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179, Milton QLD Australia | Phone +61 7 3876 4988

© Iceberg Events Conference & Event Management