
MedHealth brings together a small group of premier providers of independent medical opinions across Australia.  Our team of Consultants cover every major medical specialty and sub-specialty who provide their independent opinions to the corporate arena, insurance industry, legal profession,  state and federal government agencies. Our national team includes a panel of Psychiatrists.

Our Specialists provide independent, impartial reports detailing an individual’s injury or medical condition to assist clients in gaining clarity and confirmation of the diagnosis, future treatment needs, capacity for work, permanent disability and impairment.

Every opinion provided represents factual, insightful, robust medical advice which informs and empowers reliable decision-making around an individual’s rehabilitation, recovery and return to work options to achieve better health outcomes.

If you are interested in diversifying your work, broadening your experience and growing your income stream in a role where you can work as little or as much as suits you, please contact us to explore the bespoke opportunities a MedHealth business can provide.

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Proudly brought to you by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine Inc.

20 - 23 October 2024 | Event hashtag: #ANZSOMASM

Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179, Milton QLD | Phone 07 3876 4988

Events Enquiry

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land which out 2024 ASM will be held. We pay our respects to the Wajuk people and acknowledge their cultural and heritage beliefs are still important today.