nola klein

Nola Klein Ogilvie

Educator, Principal, International Education Consultant
Principal at various primary schools in Queensland.
International Education Consultant In government education reform projects – Qatar, United Arab Emirates,
Malaysia (2008-2016)
DipTeach, BeE – James Cook University, Townsville

I am currently evolving!  After a long and satisfying career in education it’s time to become a writer and turn my life experiences into words that can be shared with other like-minded people.  I am passionate about this conference’s themes.  My personal experiences and the many, many shared experiences with women and observations of my time living in different countries and cultures has empowered me to speak out and support other women.  Coercive control is insidious and incredibly destructive, no bruises or marks but a deep destruction of one’s soul, and will.  I am privileged to participate with my fellow journey travellers in this conference setting and add my voice and hear your voices.