A/Prof james toh

A/Prof James Toh is an academic surgeon at Westmead Hospital in Australia, senior member of the colorectal research team at WIMR and the Ingham Institute and is a Clinical Associate Professor with the University of Sydney with a PhD evaluating the role of the immune system in colorectal cancer. He has published over a hundred peer reviewed studies and three book chapters. He is currently involved in several international multicentre RCTs. He has been the recipient of numerous grants and fellowships including the Cancer Institute NSW Innovations in Cancer Control Grant, NHMRC Ideas Grant, RACS Foundation for Surgery Research Grant, Westmead Charitable Trust Grant, SSWAHS Research Grant, John Flynn Scholarship and Morgan Fellowship, which allowed him to undertake and complete his training in robotic colorectal surgery in Korea. He has won numerous awards and prizes including the Mark Killingback Colorectal Research Prize, Asia Pacific Federation of Coloproctology Best Research Prize, being a finalist in the NSW Australian Medical Association (AMA) Supervisor of the Year Awards, Citizen of the Year (Liverpool) at the National Australia Day Council Awards, Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSSANZ) Research Award, University of New South Wales (UNSW) Associate Dean Teaching Award,  Tutor of the Year at the South Western Clinical School, UNSW and the QuWest Award for Best Delivery of Evidence-based Care and Best Research Presentation at Hospital Week at Westmead.