Conjoint Professor JAMES SCOTT

Professor, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Academic Research Unit, CCHR

Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

James Scott (MBBS, FRANZCP, PhD) is The Conjoint Professor of Child and Youth Psychiatry at Children’s Health Queensland and the University of Queensland. He has established a programme of research developing preventative strategies and interventions for mental illness in children and youth.  James is a Chief Investigator on two major studies (i) the Australian Child Maltreatment Study, the first study to measure the prevalence of child maltreatment and the associated health outcomes and service use and (ii) the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys, the first study to provide accurate prevalence estimates of mental disorders and associated risk and protective factors in adolescents living in Kenya, Indonesia and Vietnam. He has published in excess of 300 peer reviewed papers whilst continuing to provide clinical care to children with severe and complex developmental and mental health problems.