186  DAYS TO GO! 

abstract submission

CAWS and ISQ invites the submission of abstracts for oral presentations and poster presentations for the 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference.


Abstract Submission Process

Read Abstract Submission Guidelines

Click on the 'Submit your Abstract' button to open the portal and create an author account

Complete the online submission form

Accept Abstract Terms and Conditions and submit your abstract 

Presentation Types

A unique opportunity exists for you to promote or highlight your outcomes and projects related to the conference Themes, to peers from around Australia and internationally. Podium style presentations will be 20 minutes in length, including Q&A. Full audio-visual systems will be available. You are among friends and colleagues who are all keen to support and learn from each other.

If you have a story to tell and would like to do so through a poster submission we would love to see it! Posters will be allocated a dedicated space at the venue for the duration of the event. A selection of Poster presenters will also have an opportunity to share a 3 minute introductory pitch and 1 PowerPoint slide prior to dedicated poster sessions.


The opportunity exists to conduct workshop or forum style sessions. These workshops may include presentations, panel Q & A and/or facilitated group discussion on any relevant topic. The conference offers a perfect opportunity to workshop with like-minded colleagues to share information, problem solve and develop strategies. Are you part of a workshop already being organised, or do you have a workshop idea that you are wanting to put forward and organise? Submit your abstract and include details of your idea/topic and suggested panelists/participants.


- Weeds of Cropping
- Weeds of Public Amenity
- Weeds of Natural Areas
- Weeds of Pasture


- Integrated Weed Management
- Prevention and Early Detection
- Emerging Technologies
- Biosecurity and Quarantine
- Community Engagement and Education
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Restoration and Rehabilitation
- Policy and Regulation
- Herbicide resistance
- Biological control
- Area wide management
- Other

Important Dates

Call for Abstracts Open: 8 November 2023

Call for Abstracts Close: 7 March 2024 *New Date

Author Notification and Full Paper Invitation: 11 April 2024

Presenter Registration Closes: 31 May 2024

Full Paper Deadline (Optional): 12 July 2024

PPT Presentations Due: 12 August 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The presenting author/s are required to register for the conference in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Deadline for presenting authors to register is 17 May 2024;
  • Submissions should be completed electronically via the online Abstract Portal;
  • Abstract submissions close 7 March 2024;
  • Presentations can be either oral or poster presentations;
  • Multiple abstracts may be submitted by an individual;
  • Abstracts are to be text only - limit of 300 words. Graphs, figures, diagrams, images etc. must not be included;
  • The review committee reserves the right to adjust your chosen presentation type on your abstract submission to best suit the program; 
  • Accepted author/s have the option to submit a full paper, as per the deadline listed above for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Accepted author/s who choose to not submit a full paper will have their abstract published in the conference proceedings;
  • Author/s with accepted abstracts will be advised once all abstracts have been reviewed;
  • Abstracts can be saved as DRAFT, but must be finalised in order to be assessed for inclusion in the program.

Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179, Milton QLD Australia | Phone +61 7 3876 4988

© Iceberg Events Conference & Event Management