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Welcome to the 2025 Oceanic Palliative Care Scholarship Application Portal. Please create a new account below with your email address and password. If you have created an account to submit an abstract use the same login details or click the forgot password button below if you forgot your details.


Palliative Care Australia welcomes applications for scholarships to attend the 2025 Oceanic Palliative Care Conference. Everyone is welcome to apply, but priority will be given to the following categories:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers

  • Palliative care consumers and carers

  • Palliative care volunteers

  • People with less than three years’ experience in palliative care who have not previously attended the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference

  • People working in primary care, aged care or disability care in Australia

  • People working in palliative care in rural or remote areas of Australia

  • People working in palliative care from the Oceanic region

There will be two rounds of scholarships for 25OPCC. The first round will open in January 2025 and close 12 May 2025. This will provide scholarships that cover registration, travel and accommodation. Applicants can only apply for accommodation and travel if they live outside the Brisbane metropolitan area. Successful applicants will be provided with funds to book their own travel and accommodation. Accommodation will be the equivalent of three nights at a standard hotel near the conference venue. Travel costs will be the equivalent of an economy return flight from the nearest major airport and a ground transport allowance of $100. Any variations to this will be managed on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the scholarship recipient.

The second round will open at the beginning of August and will be for registration only. Applicants who were not successful in the first round will be considered in the second round.


If you have any questions regarding your submission, please refer to our website or contact the Conference Organisers (Iceberg Events) via email or phone +61 7 3876 4988.

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